Where Physicians, Caregivers and Autism Families Thrive in Health & Happiness

Where Physicians, Caregivers and Autism Families Thrive in Health & Happiness 

Free Autism Webinar: 3 Secrets to reclaim lost milestones for your child with autism.

Watch the Free Masterclass

 At Blue Life Rx, we focus on those who can help heal the world and on those who are unable to advocate for themselves

Learn About Lifestyle Medicine for Physicians


A New and Empowering Way to Treat Severe Non Verbal Autism


We're Mylene & Natalie.

As we were doing our Lifestyle Medicine Certification, we came across the term: Blue Zones.

The term originated in a 2004 research article, that found that on the Italian island of Sardinia there is a region where the people live an exceptionally long time.  The authors identified a certain "Blue Zone", where longevity was concentrated in the central-eastern part of the island and all of the mountainous areas of central Sardinia.

Through more research, we discovered there are other regions with a longevity advantage in different parts of the world.  These areas are referred to as "Blue Zones."

Passionate about sharing ways to boost health, energy, immunity and longevity naturally, we see to integrate the core Blue Zone principles into a sustainable program.

We created Blue Lifers, our signature program and ongoing community that integrates the techniques proven to dramatically improve well-being and in some cases reverse chronic diseases.

The Blue Life program incorporates:

  • A healthy plant-based diet
  • Breathwork
  • Stress Relief practices
  • Quality Sleep
  • Exercise and movement
  • Strong personal connections
  • A powerful detox program

Blue Lifers are those people who are committed to ongoing personal development through coaching and mentoring, to help the members live more fulfilling lives and connect at a deeper personal level.

We know that mere desire is not enough.  So we provide implementation guides to our members through meal plans, detailed how-to videos, and a variety of tips and practices.

Together we are building a community that includes semi-private coaching and Question & Answer sessions, so that you can master your lifestyle with unstoppable energy. 

Blue Life Rx
Support for Autism

Support Autism Naturally

Watch my free webinar on the exact framework that took us from non verbal to no diagnosis Naturally.

10 Years ago we started our autism diagnosis process. After 3 years of speech & occupational therapy + home visits I was told at the age 5 my son would need iPad communication therapy to create connections with us and I vowed to change our circumstances. Through grit and grace we found miracles & gains in lifestyle shifts.

In this e-book I share what worked for us to move forward in health creating momentum in his milestones. 

Click To Learn More

Currently the world of autism is very misunderstood. The word itself umbrellas a multitude of conditions (similar to the word cancer which encloses over 200 conditions) which can leave a lot of parents frustrated and overwhelmed when looking for communities and support.

Parents are doing their best navigating floods of old science mixed with new science (especially after the discovery of epigenetics and gene expression were discovered post genome project in 2002) and find themselves overwhelmed and in over their heads after a vortex of DR. Google.

I know....

Because this was me, 10 years ago.

My son was born perfect and beautiful in every way. He even started speaking.. and then he didn't. Soon he wasn't making eye contact, obsessing, lining things up and having behavioural shifts and we found ourselves fighting a severe non-verbal autism diagnosis and ready to start Ipad communication therapy.

We tried everything available from speech to occupational therapy to move towards gains or milestones. Everything, but lifestyle. Because it was never suggested. In that moment I saw the limitations of our healthcare system and the world of nutrition and lifestyle opened up to me (or should I say I actually realized it was there), it was like being wrapped in a warm blanket of hope.

Because I know parents deepest wishes in those late night worry sessions...
~That their child reaches an independence that doesn't require us worrying about who will look after them when we die.
~That we will one day hear their beautiful voices
~ That one day they will be able to express themselves when they are hurting physically and emotionally.
~ That they will have the opportunity for EXPERIENCES everyone else takes for granted. I'm not talking about wanting to walk your child down the aisle or wonder if they will be able to work and provide for themselves... autism parents want the simple hope of sharing a smile or a laugh with them.

Down at their core autism parents want to remove any SUFFERING that their child may have now or in the future.

Fast forward to today, my son found more than his voice and we laugh together almost every day. My son was never given an autism diagnosis as at 7 years old it was deemed unnecessary.

Can you imagine the mission and responsibility after going through this journey? To share with others how to do the same. Even if its just to achieve independence through milestones.

The beauty is, it's not hard. But it does require change and knowledge.

Blue Life Rx is here to help those families who are suffering.

We understand that some individuals are thriving in their autism and ADHD and we support and love these individuals. Their creativity and contributions do not go unnoticed and are deeply appreciated.

They don't need our help and the truth is they are such a small percentage of the 1 in 44 autism diagnosed currently.

If you're finding yourself nodding your head in agreement to any of the above, this is how Blue Life Rx can support you further?

Through the BLA program.

Explore it here

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